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Open the A300 Septic Heater Manual
The Septic Heater prevents septic systems from freezing in the winter. It fits securely to the existing access pipe (4" SDR35) above a septic tank, a lift station, or a drop box in the drainfield and blows warm air into the system. The air is naturally vented out the existing soil stack (main vent) of the home. The Septic Heater is easy to install. Simply slide it onto your 4" access pipe. The heater is powered using an outdoor extension cord. Put it on in early winter, and remove it in the spring.
The Septic Heater comes with a three year limited warranty and has an expected life of 20,000 hours, or 20 seasons.
Why a Septic Heater?
Installing a Septic Heater is the safest and most dependable way to prevent septic system freeze-up.
Other heaters such as stock tank heaters are not designed for septic systems. They short out and can be dangerous. Use in a septic tank is NOT recommended by heater manufacturers and is illegal.
Placing straw or hay over a septic system can help insulate if placed on early enough and thick enough. However, it's labor intensive, attracts mice, requires messy spring clean-up, and has marginal success rates.
Steaming or jetting your pipes after freeze-up is expensive and will damage your pipes.
Pumping out your tank every few weeks when your line is frozen is expensive and inconvenient because water use is so limited (you'll want to know where the nearest Laundromat is).
An undetected freeze-up will cause raw sewage to back up into your home or cabin. Damage to drywall and flooring can cost thousands of dollars.
Step-by-Step Insallation instructions and photos courtesy of CabinDIY.com
Installation is simple and can be done by a homeowner or an onsite professional. The Septic Heater is installed on an existing 4” riser/access pipe extending from the tank or drop box of a septic system. Because our pipe is a standard size, adapters can be purchased to make the Septic Heater mountable on any system.
The Septic Heater is installed above the tank if pipe is freezing between the house and tank or in the tank itself. If it is freezing in the drainfield, the Septic Heater is installed above a drop box or cleanout in gravity systems (no pumps) or above the lift station in mound systems.
Airflow is critical. The Septic Heater must be placed such that the air has an escape route. In gravity systems the air will naturally vent out of the main vent (on your roof). In a mound system, though, you would not install the Septic Heater in the mound (after the pump) because the air cannot vent thru the pump. Instead you would place it over the lift station so air can vent out the main vent of the house.
Safety features are built in to prevent overheating.
Lights mounted on the Septic Heater indicate that it is functioning properly.
The Septic Heater must be installed on a properly functioning septic system.
All traps must have water in them to prevent gases from entering the home or cabin.
The Septic Heater is not intended to thaw frozen septic systems...but it will eventually thaw a frozen tank. If a pipe is completely block with ice, it must be professionally thawed. Then install a Septic Heater to prevent future freeze-ups.
The Septic Heater Company (SHC) products are warranted against defects in workmanship, material, design, labeling, and packaging. No other warranty, expressed or implied, written or oral, applies.
Warranty Period:
This warranty is effective for three years (36 months) from the date the product is first placed in service. Product Registration Cards must be completed upon installation, and returned to SHC.
SHC products must be installed, operated and maintained in accordance with SHCs instructions. SHC is not liable for damage or unsatisfactory performance of the product resulting from accident, negligence, alteration, unauthorized repair, improper application or installation of the product or corrosion. SHC is NOT liable for any incidental or consequential damages. Removal and re-installation of the product, and shipment of the unit for repair or inspection shall be at the purchaser's expense.
The Septic Heater in question should be returned, freight prepaid, to The Septic Heater Company. Call 1-800-41SEPTIC or 1-800-417-3784.
At the discretion of SHC, the unit will be repaired or replaced with a new unit.